Our online and face-to-face survey results amongst NHS leaders and those at the frontline of care delivery confirmed that higher quality services and quality improvement are still at the forefront of NHS delivery.
In practice, however, the drive for quality can be undermined by daily pressures. The boards of NHS organisations have a key role in leading this work, ensuring that resources are made available to support implementation and developing the cultures in which
improvement is supported and valued.
The CHKS Quality of Care Award is a national award given for excellence in high quality care to patients, appropriate to their diagnosis. It is based on several criteria including the length of time patients stay in hospital, the rate of emergency re-admissions and whether the care pathway proceeded as originally intended.
Whittington Health NHS Trust were the 2017 winners, speaking about winning the award, Simon Pleydell, Chief Executive of Whittington Health, said:
“To be recognised for outstanding quality of care is really important. I’m sure in terms of the values of all of my colleagues throughout the organisation (that’s over 3,000 people), that’s really important to us all because what we really sign up to is delivering high quality of care.”
About CHKS
We have been working with healthcare organisations around the world for over 27 years to improve health service quality, safety and efficiency. Our aim is to provide healthcare information products and services that inform, deliver and sustain improvement – at patient, service, organisation and population level. To find out more visit
www.chks.co.uk or email
info@chks.co.uk. Read our latest blog post on quality. Our online and face-to-face survey results amongst NHS leaders and those at the frontline of care delivery confirmed that higher quality services and quality improvement are still at the forefront of NHS delivery.