In embarking on CHKS accreditation and ISO certification, healthcare organisations demonstrate their commitment to improving quality, safety and patient outcomes.

Through the quality improvement process organisations instil a culture of pride in their services and a greater sense of ownership. Employees feel empowered to influence their role in the organisation and drive change. 

Accreditation and certification provides credible and independent recognition of your commitment to quality improvement for your patients, Board and external regulators. Our programmes are tailored to all aspects of healthcare provision from acute hospitals and care homes to specific services such as radiotherapy, maternity and specialist ambulatory care providers.

As a leading health and social care certification service, we have unrivalled experience in developing and applying quality standards to improve patient care, while addressing key challenges such as risk management and clinical effectiveness.

We are accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO17021:2011 and clients who comply with our standards can be awarded ISO 9001:2015 certification.

We are accredited by ISQua's (International Society for Quality in Healthcare) External Evauation Association and their International Accreditation Programme for our organisational standards.

View a list of the CHKS Accredited and ISO certificated organisations

Network of healthcare and quality experts

Our network of healthcare and quality experts support CHKS either as surveyors for client surveys or as members on our Awards Panel or Accreditation Council.

CHKS Surveyors 
Our surveyor team are a voluntary group of 100+ healthcare professionals, who are either clinicians or managers within a clinical area. Their experience extends from acute hospital services, to hospice and care home experience and primary care and imaging both in the NHS and independent sector to cover our extensive range of accreditation programmes. Many have been through accreditation themselves and become committed and enthusiastic with the process and quality improvement. They enjoy networking with other healthcare providers and seeing organisations achieve good quality of care. The surveyors represent a wide range of experience and skills to support our accreditation programmes. After initial training, we provide an annual away day with speakers, and workshops to top up skills and knowledge followed by a networking dinner. Find out more about becoming a CHKS surveyor here and download the application form here. For more information, please contact us at

CHKS Council and Awards Panel
The CHKS Council and Awards Panel play a vital role in assuring the highest levels of quality and impartiality in the certification process. As a team of independent volunteers with a breadth of healthcare expertise, they are ideally positioned to inform standards development and advise on issues relating to the quality agenda. 

View the list of council and panel members

UKAS accreditation

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the sole national accreditation body recognised by the British government to assess the competence of organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services. It evaluates these conformity assessment bodies and then accredits them where they are found to meet the internationally specified standard.

CHKS is accredited by UKAS to award ISO 9001 certification to healthcare organisations.

Speak to our Accreditation Team

From the Trust’s perspective accreditation has meant that we were able to help meet the challenge of NHSLA compliance and CQC requirements as the evidence was already in place. Documentation control has ensured easy access to appropriate evidence when required.

Diana Williams, Governance Manager, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust