A day in the life of a CHKS accreditation client manager – Geraldine Reynolds A day in the life of a CHKS surveyor A day in the life of a clinical coder - by Laura Hickey, Professional Lead for Coding at CHKS A day in the life of Derby Teaching Hospitals A&E A day in the life of… a clinical coding auditor - by Phil Wright, Professional Lead for Audit at CHKS A day in the life of… an NHS data quality consultant – by Sharon Swettenham, senior consultant at CHKS A&E care and emergency admissions About Accessibility Accident and Emergency Care Study Day Accreditation & ISO certification Accreditation and Quality Assurance Accreditation pathways – from continuous improvement to an education tool Accreditation standards Accreditation: a journey of continuous organisation-wide improvement for Cuan Mhuire Accredited organisations Achieving good quality data quality at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Achieving Healthcare Standards and improving patient care in Radiotherapy AdvT Group AI clinical coding AQuA's Mortality Collaborative Assurance and Accreditation for Funeral Services Assurance in Maternity Care Assurance programmes Award Categories Award categories 2019 Award winning trusts involve their clinicians in the analysis of local activity data Benchmarking services Benchmarking systems Best practice leads to safer hospital environment Best practice leads to safer hospital environment Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Case Study Big data can play a part in improving healthcare, but we can use it to make improvements in safety today Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Blog Building accreditation into everyday life at Queenscourt Hospice Business intelligence integration Case Study NLAG Marketing - Clinical Coding with AI - North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Sales CCG Staff Surveys CCGs can use existing performance data to act on unwarranted variation CHKS 2015 Top Hospitals excellence in accident and emergency care award CHKS Accreditation Programme for Acute Services: Patient Focused Care 2013 CHKS Accreditation Programme for Acute Services: Risk and Safety Module 2011 CHKS Accreditation Programme for Addiction Treatment Services 2012 CHKS Accreditation Standards for Oncology Services 2013 CHKS accreditation team & surveyors CHKS Annual Conference 2013 CHKS Annual Conference 2013 CHKS Annual Conference in Ireland 2012 CHKS assurance programmes CHKS Client Manager Q&A CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference 2017 CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference 2017 - Presentations CHKS General Standards CHKS healthcare leaders survey 2017 CHKS Healthcare Standards Accredited Until 2027 CHKS Ireland Conference 2017 presentations CHKS launch new library of standards for health and care organisations CHKS live update – Exciting changes to Data Analysis Toolkit (DAT) CHKS live updates – December 2016 CHKS live updates – October and November 2016 CHKS Portugal Conference 2018: The presentations CHKS Quality of Care Study Day CHKS Standards for Care Homes 2015 CHKS Standards for Cruise Ships 2015 CHKS Standards for Hospices 2014 CHKS Standards for Maternity and Specialist Neonatal Care Services 2015 CHKS Standards for Oncology 2016 CHKS Standards for Primary Care 2014 CHKS Surveyor Update Day 2014 - downloads CHKS Surveyor Update Day 2015 - downloads CHKS Surveyor Update Day 2019 CHKS Surveyor Update Day 2019: Presentations CHKS Top Hospital Awards 2012 CHKS Top Hospitals 2017 programme award winners announced CHKS Top Hospitals 2018 programme award winners announced CHKS_ISO_Certificated_Organisations Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference 2015 Clinical coding services Clinical Coding with AI - North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust - Marketing CLIP (Clinician Level Indicator Programme) Commissioning Communication is the key to improvement for the New Victoria Hospital Connecting community data with hospital data can complete the picture for health systems to help pre Contact Us Content Library Contract management Cookies Council and Panel Members County Durham and Darlington Creating a culture of openness and transparency at Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Creating better value healthcare – Sir Muir Gray Creating culture of improvement through accreditation Data revolution crucial to transformation Disclaimer Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS FT Case Study Download Our Radiotherapy Standard Download Our Radiotherapy Standard Download presentations from the CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference 2016 Downloads for winning trusts 2018 eGuide eGuide: Maternity Care Reform - Implementing Key Initiatives for Improving Outcomes Sales eGuide: Understanding Your Hospital Performance Metrics - What are RAMI, SHMI and HSMR? Sales eGuides Elective care surgery Elective Surgery Backlog Engaging clinicians for improving patient safety Enhanced quality services Enhancing your analytics Ensuring accreditation standards evolve to support continuous quality improvement Event Events Events Every 13 minutes: Roy Lilley considers the state of clinical coding in the NHS Every 13 minutes: Roy Lilley considers the state of clinical coding in the NHS Facilitating clinical engagement and quality improvement at Darford and Gravesham NHS Trust Find out how our consultants are using their experience and insight to help clients get a better understanding of their data Finding coding errors that led to a false sense of security over mortality ratios Focusing on quality Freeing healthcare professionals from administration to deliver better-quality care through accreditation Galway Hospice Foundation Galway Hospice Foundation Case Study Get Support Guest blog - The technology advances we have seen now tell me the future looks exciting by Kevin Fong Guest blog: The emergence of a new model of healthcare Has data quality reduced in England? HCA's Portland Hospital's accreditation by CHKS Health economy analytics Healthcare Organisation Management Accreditation- ISO 7101 Heather Walker - Consultancy Director, CHKS Helping NHS North East ensure its providers meet mortality targets Home Home Home How a bespoke accreditation programme has helped the Tabor Group ensure its treatment centres are meeting best practice standards How a culture of openness and transparency has helped to ensure consistent improvement to quality of care How accreditation has helped Alliance Medical Diagnostic Imaging improve its quality management system and the service it provides for patients How accreditation has helped to ensure a growing ambulance company continues to deliver high quality care How are top hospitals different? How Beaumont Private Ambulance Service became the first private ambulance service in the Republic of Ireland to be accredited by CHKS How CHKS accreditation is helping Centric Health demonstrate commitment to its values and give greater confidence to partners, clients and patients How do we identify the winners? How Northern Health and Social Care Trust are working with hearts and minds How the best performers stay ahead of the competition – and what we can learn from Sir Ranulph Fiennes How the Deanesly Centre has used CHKS accreditation to ensure continual service improvement and trust board assurance. How University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust makes sure staff understand the importance of accurate data How we have moved on from winter pressure to all year round pressure by Jason Harries iCompare iCompare – the new home for your healthcare intelligence iCompare for Commissioners iCompare New Improving coding accuracy at Spire Improving Healthcare Standards in Portugal Through Accreditation with CESPU Improving length of stay at Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust Improving performance in data quality using Signpost Improving productivity in a Midlands acute trust In response to Roy Lilley – yes, we need to make better use of the data and information we already have In the rush to highlight the benefits of technology and AI in healthcare we have confused triage and symptom checkers Independent healthcare Integrated care systems Integrated patient record Introducing outcome measurement to a standards-based accreditation programme Introducing the CHKS Green Award for Healthcare Ireland Conference Ireland conference presentations ISO 9001:2015 in Radiotherapy: 4 Key Advantages In Utilising An Accreditation Partner ISO:7101: What is ISO 7101? It’s time to get serious about sharing good quality data Jeanette Sephton - Managing Consultant, CHKS Join CHKS at the Public Policy Projects' Patient Safety Forum Key Messages From the Birth Trauma Report Knowledge Base Knowledge Base Leadership, team ethos and board support Leading for Change at the CHKS Surveyor Update Day 2016 Length of stay comparison between Welsh NHS and English NHS Hospitals Let's grasp the opportunity to clarify metrics around activity so we can get a true picture of sys Longer-term service planning and local investment requires a different approach to assessing need Maintaining the Gold Standard: CHKS Retain UKAS Accreditation for Management Systems Certification Managing patient flow at Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust More about our Council Members More hospitals recording acute care patients with a history of dementia Mortality benchmarking during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of long COVID – the CHKS Adviso Mortality Indicators Paper Mortality monitoring Motivation in the spotlight at the Top Hospitals awards 2017 Moving the debate from cost to value by Jason Harries NEL Commissioning Support Unit New 2024 CHKS Standards for Health and Care Organisations News News News News News News News News Non-UK healthcare Not another engagement forum Our conferences Our impartiality, complaints and appeals policies Our Quality & Accreditations Our Team Overcoming the 247 challenge looking at emergency departments and the whole system Paper vs digital Patient workflow management Payment by Results (PbR) Key Findings 2012/13 PCNs set to play a key role in helping to tackle health inequalities in Integrated Care Systems Policies Presentations - CHKS Surveyor Update Day 2017 Presentations - CHKS Surveyor Update Day 2018 Presentations - CHKS User Group 2018 Presentations - Coding and Data Quality Conference Press releases Privacy Product updates Proof of concept ensures independent primary care providers can use comparative data Providing a safe hospital environment for patients Purchase Terms Quality improvement – your chance to hear from leading experts and those who have succeeded in improving quality Quality improvement award: Using accreditation as a framework to ensure quality improvement at Cuan Mhuire Quality of care award: Embedding a culture of responsibility and leadership at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Re-Member: a member reunification programme Real-time results and staff well-being can improve patient experience Recognising the importance of clinical coding and data quality Reducing Mortality rates at Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Remote clinical coding Request our Radiotherapy Webinar Recording Request Your Elective Performance Bulletin Request Your Mortality Report Resources Responding to Rose - the importance of actionable information Rising to the 2015 agenda - The CHKS view by Jason Harries Risk stratification Royal Surrey County NHS Foundation Trust Case Study Search Shared care records Sharing examples of success is a good way to improve care in every Accident and Emergency department SHMI is a good starting point, but is one in a basket of indicators that can be used to highlight areas for further investigation Simon Steven's five year plan Site Map Small changes and real time monitoring are making a big impact on patient safety Solutions Spire Healthcare Case Study Success Support services Surveying and Assessment Tabor Group Case Study Taking coding out on to the wards to improve accuracy and visibility of the cod-ing team Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank you for downloading our AI Clinical Coding Case Study Thank you for downloading our Radiotherapy Standard Thank You For Downloading Your Mortality Measure Report Thank You For Registering for our Webinar Patient Safety – Where do we go from here? Thank You For Registering Your Interest in ISO:7101 Thank you for requesting our Radiotherapy Webinar Recording Thank You For Requesting Your Elective Performance Report Thank You- Healthcare Leaders: Addressing Challenges and Enhancing Healthcare Outcomes in Portugal Thank You- Healthcare Leaders: Enhancing Your Organisation's Outcomes and Potential The Birth Trauma Inquiry, What’s Next? The Carter review âᅵᅵ where are we now and what happens next? The case for greater transparency in commissioning of specialised services by Paul Fitzsimmons The challenge of providing 247 care The CHKS advisory group The CHKS Standards Development Process The CHKS story The CHKS User Group – an opportunity to learn, share and innovate The mission and values of the assurance and accreditation team at CHKS The value triangle This July marks 70 years of the NHS Time is running out for scientific and diagnostic services accreditation Top Hospitals Top Hospitals 2018 shortlists and winners Top Hospitals 2019 winners and shortlists Top Hospitals Awards 2019 Top Hospitals Awards 2019 Top Hospitals Awards 2019 - Photos Top Hospitals Awards 2019 videos Top Hospitals Awards 2020 Top Hospitals awards programme Top quality care how do trusts measure, improve and provide quality care Top tips for an accreditation programme Total emergency admissions fall by a fifth at the weekend Training & mentoring Using data to support 247 care - measuring good emergency department care Vacancies Variation in performance is something we see from month to month by Jason Harries Want to know more about CHKS? Want to know more about CHKS? Webinar Patient Safety – Where do we go from here? What Are Hospital Models And Why Are They Important To Your Trust’s Board? What are the revised Health and Social Care ISQua Standards? What do NHS leaders really see as their challenges? What do patients think? What is best practice in 24/7 care? Who we work with Why Choose CHKS Why we need good quality data to transform the NHS Why we need shared learning in healthcare World Patient Safety Day “Get it right, make it safe!”