Our market-leading benchmarking services are used across the UK health sector for performance analysis, service planning and driving successful improvement initiatives.

We enable you to see what excellence looks like and find out how you compare on quality, safety and efficiency measures.

Use benchmarking services to:

  • Compare performance against your own gold-standard, or against other organisations or consultants of your choice
  • View and report performance by trust, hospital site, division, specialty or indicator
  • Investigate reasons for variations in performance compared to a reference standard right down to the individual patient level
  • Analyse unlimited and comprehensive data together in one place to get a full and balanced view of clinical service delivery
  • Create your own performance indicators and target service standards
  • Quickly generate supporting evidence for CQC and NHS Improvement meetings
  • Set up customised dashboards and scorecards to facilitate internal discussion


Download our brochure to find out more

Integrate with your Business Intelligence (BI) tools
Work with our team to connect our benchmarking data to your Business Intelligence tools using our API. This brings the data you need to help improve patient safety, identify efficiency improvements and improve patient outcomes.

Data Analysis Toolkit (DAT)
DAT is used alongside iCompare and provides information and performance specialists, as well as managers and clinicians, the ability to interrogate the data by themselves. Giving them total flexibility in comparative analysis and reporting. DAT allows users to run bespoke queries against the whole database to inform one-off information requirements or configure to automatically produce regular reports, for strategic and operational decision-making.

Mortality Profiling
Our Mortality Profiling programme is the only one that allows you to understand variances across SHMI, RAMI and HMSR. This takes the most accurate and robust view of mortality available, enabling you to make more informed decisions to drive change and improvement.  It helps you to quickly understand your ‘true’ mortality position at any time and highlights areas of concern for further investigation. Our programme includes an online tool, supported by CHKS consultancy to help you identify risks and opportunities and make improvements in safety and care quality. 

A&E Care and Emergency Admissions
A&E Care and Emergency Admissions helps acute Trusts’ emergency departments to better understand demand from patient flow and treatment pathways, to support them in optimising processes and planning resources.

Market Intelligence Programme
Designed to help providers monitor, analyse and understand commissioning activity in both the local and wider markets. The programme will help you to develop your services, manage risks and engage with your commissioners. 

Expert help from your dedicated CHKS consultant
Our team of NHS-experienced consultants will help you analyse and interpret your data to help you present the most accurate analysis to stakeholders and pinpoint opportunities for improvement.

Working with the British Association of Day Surgery (BADS)
We work with the British Association of Day Surgery (BADS) to promote Day Surgery. Our benchmarking service includes BADS data as a benchmarked element of performance management.

Speak to our Benchmarking Team

 The assurance we have now supports quality improvement. The learning outcomes we identify really helps teams to focus on where improvements need to be made and to improve patient pathways.

Dr Susie Orme, Associate Medical Director, Barnsley Hospital NHS FT