Helping Trusts access data directly to create complex analytics and integrate with other business intelligence tools

Trusts today require access to the most pertinent data and information to accomplish efficient tasks and valuable analysis. As a leading provider of healthcare intelligence and quality improvement products and services, our iCompare system already provides a user friendly, efficient and wide range of analysis tools delivering comparative performance and patient safety benchmarking. As the use of business intelligence (BI) software grows across the NHS, Trusts want to be able to show critical business and governance data in a single system for staff to facilitate decision making. Informatics teams and operational managers want to be able to produce reports using a single source of data from a trust wide BI software.

The solution

The CHKS application programming interface (API) allows clients to extract the same data they can analyse in iCompare directly into their BI tools. CHKS gives you the ability to create complex data analytics and integration with local BI tools increasing automation in your data flows.

Key features and benefits:

Whether you prefer to use it on its own or need  support, our CHKS Core API comes with the following key features: 

  • Use the same indicators and other features in iCompare
  • A range of extraction options
  • No install required
  • Extract large amounts of data immediately
  • Use multiple show-bys and filters to carry out complex queries
  • Supports JSON and CSV
  • Python CHKS API RPA tool, with a roadmap for more languages
  • A tailored induction programme (usually consisting of 3-4 1.5-2-hour workshops) including a Q & A session is available.
  • A tailored coaching and guidance programme
  • API user group bi-monthly (or quarterly depending on demand) facilitated by a CHKS Benchmarking consultant to discuss and collaborate on API projects and facilitate mutual support between users.

    Download our API factsheet


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