CHKS live update – Exciting changes to Data Analysis Toolkit (DAT)

In response to feedback from our clients and our consultants we have made some significant enhancements to the functionality and performance of Data Analysis Toolkit (DAT). Most notably it has migrated to the new iCompare environment.

What is DAT?
DAT is used alongside iCompare and provides information and performance specialists, as well as managers and clinicians, the ability to interrogate the data themselves. Giving them total flexibility in comparative analysis and reporting.
What’s new?
  • A new user interface for ease and speed of use
  • Addition of option to report on outpatient data
  • An extended range of fields giving you greater insight into your data
  • Option to use pre-defined filters and cluster groups already created within iCompare for consistency in reporting, ease of use and to save time
  • We have also introduced the concept of data snapshots that allow users to run multiple reports

If you already subscribe to our iCompare programme, you’ll be able to access the new module via the modules menu on the left of the screen in iCompare from 23rd August once this has been activated by your site consultant. A user guide to help you get the most from the tool is available from within iCompare.

If you would like to find out more then please click here, speak to your site consultant or email

Please Note: The existing Data Analysis Toolkit is being decommissioned and will be unavailable from mid-September. 

For advice and further information email