Download Our FREE Radiotherapy Standard Sample

Understanding the complexities of a regulator’s standards and assessment processes in Radiotherapy can be challenging for healthcare providers. At CHKS, we're committed to supporting you in achieving your quality accreditations whilst fostering a sustainable culture of quality care. 

Download our sample Radiotherapy Standard document to see how CHKS can support your quality improvement journey.

Within this standard, you will find a sample of 10 criteria which help you answer these common assessment questions:  

  1. What are the current procedures and systems in place for accepting referrals into the service for treatment?
  2. Which data for adverse variance and trends will be explored as part of the assessment process?
  3. What risk assessments for radiation exposure to carers and comforters are carried out prior to treatment delivery? 

CHKS has transformed radiotherapy departments across the NHS, showcasing improved efficiency, staff morale, and patient satisfaction.