ISO 7101 is the new international standard developed specifically for healthcare providers. It is a global certificate that aims to raise the standard of healthcare provision across the world. A dedicated team of experts, including representatives from the International Society for Quality in Health Care worked together to develop this healthcare focused standard, which launched in 2023.
The standard was created to provide an internationally recognised certificate specifically for healthcare organisation management that is applicable to any healthcare organisation, irrespective of size and maturity.
This healthcare-focused standard outlines the requirements for healthcare organisations to develop a quality management system for the delivery of high-quality, safe healthcare, including accessibility and equity of access.
ISO 7101 helps to create a culture of quality and continuous improvement within healthcare organisations. It can lead to:
1. Improved patient safety through the identification and reduction of risks.
2. An enhanced patient experience by taking a patient-centred approach based on respect, compassion, co-production, equity and dignity.
3. Cost efficiencies through streamlining processes and reducing waste.
4. Improved operational effectiveness through the monitoring of performance and the control of service delivery.
ISO 9001 and ISO 7101 are similar, they both focus on quality management systems and are based on principles such as customer focus, leadership, continuous improvement, evidence-based decision making and relationship management. The main difference is in their application, in that ISO 9001 can be applied to any organisation in any sector, whereas ISO 7101 can only be applied to healthcare organisations.
CHKS have over thirty years’ experience in providing external accreditation, recognising healthcare providers that have consistently achieved internationally accredited, high-quality standards.
The principles of ISO 7101 are embedded in the CHKS Standards for Health and Care Organisations, facilitating a seamless transition for organisations wishing to pursue the award of ISO 7101.
If you would like to know more about how CHKS can help you by providing independent assessment and external recognition for ISO 7101 Healthcare Organization Management, fill in the form and contact us today.