Payment by Results (PbR) Key Findings 2012/13

Since 2007 the Payment by Results data assurance framework has provided assurance for the quality of the data that underpin payments as part of PbR. It promotes improvement in data quality and supporting the accuracy of payment within the NHS. The key findings from the 2012/13 programme summarise the locally focused audits carried out at acute NHS foundations trusts and NHS trusts in 2012/13 on behalf of the Audit Commission. 
In 2012/13 the work focused on providing both local and national assurance through:
  • a flexible audit resource to commissioners to deliver locally focused reviews driven by local issues and areas identified from previous reviews under the framework 
  • supporting tariff development and implementation by undertaking national data quality reviews of PbR in mental health and best practice tariffs. 

The Audit Commission have published reports on best practice tariffs and their impact  and assuring mental health currencies.

During the first year of operating the programme for the Audit Commission, we undertook audits at 95% of acute NHS hospitals in England. The audits reviewed the key data that underpins payment under the PbR system in the NHS. We reviewed:  
clinical coding data in admitted patient care
outpatients attendances - including the accuracy of procedure recording
accident and emergency department treatment and investigation code data.
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