CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference 2014

Getting the numbers right: Improving the quality of healthcare coding, performance and finance data

Over 130 people from across the country with an interest in clinical coding and data quality gathered for the CHKS Clinical Coding and Data Quality Conference last week at the King's Fund. Attendees had the opportunity to learn more about national coding developments, how the payment system is developing and the importance of data quality to local organisations, as well as to take away practical ideas to improve clinical engagement and data quality in their own organisations through networking with other NHS professionals.

"It's been excellent. Very interesting for me to see and understand the world of finance, coding and the way they link up with the clinicians role." – just one of the comments from one of our delegates. 

Accurate healthcare coding and activity data has never been more important. It underpins payment, performance and patient outcome measures and is critical in driving service improvement and increased cost effectiveness and value. Organisations that develop robust data quality processes and bring coding and clinical teams together to tackle the challenges of data quality have seen significant improvements in the accuracy of the information used by boards, regulators and commissioners to monitor performance. Under increased pressure, how do you achieve this? 

This conference showed how good coding practices and excellent data quality can positively impact service improvement and financial performance. It was designed to bring attendees up to date on the latest thinking and showcase best practices in award-winning trusts. The event was part funded by CHKS as part of our ‘Learning from the Best’ series of events, which brings together professionals from across the health sector to share experiences and ideas on a range of healthcare-related topics.

If you are interested in learning more about our networking events then please let us know by emailing

Listen to the sound bites from the day here:


Download the presentations here:

Opening address
Peter Saunders, Director - Coding and Financial Assurance - CHKS

How improved data can help the NHS manage its finances
Bob Alexander, Director of Finance - NHS Trust Development Authority

The importance of clinician engagement
Maurice Cohen, Clinical Director, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

What does it take to be a CHKS Top Hospital data quality award winner?
Richard Walker, Head of Information and Coding - Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board

The future direction of coding and data quality and 'sound bites' from the day
Peter Saunders, Director - Coding and Financial Assurance - CHKS


A - Clinical coding, audit and classifications update
Pam Davidson, Senior Classifications Manager - Health and Social Care Information Centre

B - Accurate data quality throughout the organisation
Bevin Manoy, Associate Director - CHKS

C - A 'joined up' approach to coding at Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Alastair Beattie, Head of Information and Statistics - Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.

Please note: only those presentations where we are able to distribute are shown here.