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GUIDE May 20, 2024

Factsheet: Data Analysis Toolkit (DAT) Product

GUIDE May 15, 2024

eGuide: The Roadmap to Governance & Safety for Private Providers in Ireland

We have made remarkable progress in health as a global society, more than doubling life expectancy in just over two centuries - public health and clinical innovations have been major contributors to this improvement. However, across the Western world healthcare systems are facing a major crisis caused by a perfect storm of factors – rapidly rising healthcare costs, clinician burnout and attrition, and an ageing population.

In these challenging circumstances, emphasising improvement becomes imperative to shift healthcare planning and delivery from reactive crisis management to proactive service enhancement. Furthermore, in today’s landscape, where healthcare benchmarks are constantly evolving, the importance of safety and governance in Irish healthcare providers cannot be overstated.

Download our eGuide ‘The Roadmap to Governance & Safety for Private Providers in Ireland’ which delves deep into the essence of safety and governance in healthcare, sharing current challenges, the impact of these challenges in healthcare and the steps that can be taken to address this.

GUIDE May 15, 2024

eGuide: Maternity Care - A Roadmap to Healthcare Excellence

In the realm of healthcare, the importance of robust safety, governance and strong patient outcomes cannot be overstated, particularly in the highly specialised and sensitive area of maternity and neonatal care. At a time when the demands and pressures on all departments are escalating, the need for stringent safety protocols is more critical than ever.

Download our eGuide ‘Maternity Care- A Roadmap to Healthcare Excellence’ which delves deep into the essence of safety and improving patient outcomes in maternity services, sharing insights on the need for change, what changes can be considered and the roadmap to excellence.

CASE STUDY May 15, 2024

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Case Study

Achieving good quality data quality at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

CASE STUDY May 14, 2024

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS FT Case Study

How a remote clinical coding service has strengthened coding department stability and reduced contractor costs at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS FT

CASE STUDY May 14, 2024

Galway Hospice Foundation Case Study

Taking staff on the accreditation journey has led to significant quality improvements at Galway Hospice Foundation

CASE STUDY May 14, 2024

Spire Healthcare Case Study

How CHKS has helped Spire improve the accuracy of coding within its hospitals and is ensuring prompt payment
from the NHS

CASE STUDY May 14, 2024

Royal Surrey County NHS Foundation Trust Case Study

How a consultant level dashboard will play a part in helping the Royal Surrey County NHS Foundation Trust create a
culture of openness and transparency

CASE STUDY May 8, 2024

Tabor Group Case Study

How a bespoke accreditation programme has helped the Tabor Group ensure its treatment centres are meeting best practice standards

GUIDE April 17, 2024

CHKS What We Do

Download our ‘CHKS- What We Do’ pdf to understand the different services we are able to provide healthcare and care providers along with the benefits you can gain from these.

GUIDE April 17, 2024

Factsheet: CLIP Product

GUIDE April 17, 2024

Factsheet: API Product

Trusts today require access to the most pertinent data and information to accomplish efficient tasks and valuable analysis. As a leading provider of healthcare intelligence and quality improvement products and services, our iCompare system already provides a user friendly, efficient and wide range of analysis tools delivering comparative performance and patient safety benchmarking. As the use of business intelligence (BI) software grows across the NHS, Trusts want to be able to show critical business and governance data in a single system for staff to facilitate decision making. Informatics teams and operational managers want to be able to produce reports using a single source of data from a trust wide BI software.

Download our API Product factsheet to understand how CHKS application programming interface can support your organisation with this.

GUIDE April 17, 2024

Infographic: Remote Clinical Coding

We can relieve the pressure to deliver high quality clinically coded data during a time of enormous strain and allow you to focus on what you do best- deliver high quality healthcare to patients. 

Download our ‘Remote Clinical Coding’ infographic to understand the benefits your organisation can gain through this service.

GUIDE April 17, 2024

Infographic: AI Clinical Coding

We can relieve the pressure to deliver high quality clinically coded data during a time of enormous strain and allow you to focus on what you do best- deliver high quality healthcare to patients. 

Download our ‘AI Clinical Coding’ infographic to understand the process involved with our AI Clinical Coding solution and how you can benefit from this.