How the best performers stay ahead of the competition – and what we can learn from Sir Ranulph FieBy evaluating the terrain, challenging the status quo and embracing technology
Every year we celebrate success in the NHS with the CHKS Top Hospitals awards. In the run up to the awards, we look at publicly available datasets to find out what makes these Top Hospitals different. This research tells us that top hospitals are more efficient, safer for patients, more effective and have lower mortality. We know they have fewer planned elective procedures not carried out, a shorter length of stay (risk adjusted), lower c-difficile rate, fewer emergency readmissions to hospital and have a lower mortality index - so how do they do this?
As a company with more than 25 years’ experience in healthcare improvement, we know that the way data is managed and used has a significant impact on how a trust is run. Inaccurate data can result in damage to public trust and perception, and can also have a negative effect on finances.
Leading trusts are bringing clinicians and coders together to help everyone understand the importance of clarity and accuracy of information. This is not just a back-office function – it is fundamental to the success of a trust. Our latest best practice report shares the award winners’ experiences and ideas, and highlights associated examples of best practice, which can go a long way towards promoting excellent, patient-centred care across the UK.
A common theme that emerged among the 2016 top hospital winners was a focus on putting the patient at the centre of care. The winners also value their staff and use their experiences of daily work on the frontline to shape the future of the patient experience.
Patient and staff experience are closely aligned to the culture of the organisation. As part of the awards judging we have visited trusts which encourage staff to put forward and act upon their improvement ideas, working with colleagues and in teams across hospital boundaries. This focus on an improvement culture is even more crucial at a time when the NHS is under unprecedented financial pressure.

With just over three months to go before the 17th CHKS Top Hospitals Awards, we are looking forward to welcoming around 240 leaders in healthcare to celebrate best practice and also the ‘World’s Greatest Living Explorer’ – Sir Ranulph Fiennes.
Sir Ranulph will share with us how his close-knit teams stay ahead of the competition by evaluating the terrain, challenging the status quo and embracing technology – all connections between nature’s most dangerous and difficult challenges, and the day-to-day hurdles we all face, not least in healthcare at a time of uncertainty and when faced with the current pressures to reduce costs and improve patient care.
Teamwork, determination, patience, discipline and creative thinking are all critical in expeditions; we may not risk our own lives, but the parallels are clear even in less hazardous occupations.
As well as the execution, Sir Ranulph will explain the challenges he faced with preparing and raising £40 million in sponsorship, finding the right volunteers and planning complex journeys beset by political, personal, geographical, financial and physical obstacles. To him, building a team with the right balance of character and attitude is paramount. Persistence, tolerance, fitness, agility and the ability to perform under extreme pressure are all factors in Sir Ranulph’s remarkable endeavours as they are in any competitive environment.
Registrations are now open for the CHKS Top Hospitals Awards 2017. Please click here to find out more.
About The CHKS Top Hospitals Programme
The CHKS Top Hospitals Programme and awards ceremony helps organisations monitor, benchmark and improve performance. As part of this work CHKS delivers a programme of free conferences, study days and reports designed to facilitate sharing of ideas, experiences and best practice across the health service. You can find out more here.
Every year we celebrate success in the NHS with the CHKS Top Hospitals awards. In the run up to the awards, we look at publicly available datasets to find out what makes these Top Hospitals different. This research tells us that top hospitals are more efficient, safer for patients, more effective and have lower mortality. We know they have fewer planned elective procedures not carried out, a shorter length of stay (risk adjusted), lower c-difficile rate, fewer emergency readmissions to hospital and have a lower mortality index - so how do they do this?
Get in touch to find out more

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