Introducing outcome measurement to a standards-based accreditation programmeAssessment against a standards-based accreditation programme is often the first step on the journey to improve productivity, performance, patient experience and outcomes. Indicators are often used to complement the assessment against standards and since 2011 they have been part of the CHKS accreditation programme.

Indicators play an important part in healthcare performance and outcomes monitoring and as such we wanted to understand how the availability and quality of indicator data varied between survey sites. Feedback from our surveyors suggests that not all sites routinely collect indicator data and that there is a wide variation in the quality of the data.

Our method was straightforward and started with a review of 13 surveys linked to the Oncology Standards Programme 2013 (which includes eight indicators) and 24 surveys linked with the International Standards Programme 2016 (which includes 97 indicators).

The results showed a significant variation in the availability and reliability of indicator data with oncology departments being the best. Across the wider survey where 97 indicators were evaluated there was less reliable information with inconsistent quality. Our review of indicators suggests there is a need to provide a clearer definition of the data that is required when indicators are used to complement accreditation against standards.

We will continue to look at the way indicators are being used and we are now embarking on a project to ensure they bring value and improve the quality of the accreditation programme.

CHKS will be exhibiting a poster at the ISQua annual conference held in London on the 1st- 4th October. Over 1,500 health care professionals from around the world will come together to network and learn from each other in the hope of improving the quality and safety of health care in the UK and worldwide.

If you would like to find out more about the CHKS accreditation programme please email us at

Moyra Amess, Director – Benchmarking, assurance and accreditation, CHKSAssessment against a standards-based accreditation programme is often the first step on the journey to improve productivity, performance, patient experience and outcomes. Indicators are often used to complement the assessment against standards and since 2011 they have been part of the CHKS accreditation programme. 
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