Relieving the administrative burden with our remote coding expertise

Helping healthcare organisations to quickly restore and recover services

As a healthcare provider, you're passionate about your team using their skills and experience to give people the care they need - especially those who are the most vulnerable.
  Producing high quality clinically coded data is vital for understanding service quality and where health providers need to perform better, and - most importantly - for understanding disease, such as the impact of the Covid-19.
  When you're under pressure to deliver volumes of data accurately to quickly transform, restore and recover vital services, remote clinical coding from CHKS can help.

Here to help

Our accredited clinical coding team access your records remotely and securely, and code your data directly into your systems. So. you spend less time on administration, recruiting and managing staff. and more time on delivering vital health services. 

What are the operational benefits?

It strengthens existing coding teams Is fully digital - quick and easy to implement Reduces hospitals' administrative costs Enables healthcare professionals to focus on delivering care

How it works

Our fully digital, flexible service is easy and quick to deploy. lt gives health providers peace of mind that data is being produced consistently and continuously during difficult times while, at the same time. reducing their administrative costs and improving the accuracy of their data. 

Our digital remote coding service is: 

compatible with all systems  based on healthcare providers' requirements  suitable for any organisation with an EPA or scanned patient records can be deployed as a short- or long-term solution

Email to find out more about how we can help

As a healthcare provider, you're passionate about your team using their skills and experience to give people the care they need - especially those who are the most vulnerable. Producing high quality clinically coded data is vital for understanding service quality and where health providers need to perform better, and - most importantly - for understanding disease, such as the impact of the Covid-19. When you're under pressure to deliver volumes of data accurately to quickly transform, restore and recover vital services, remote clinical coding from CHKS can help. 
Get in touch to find out more

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