Why we need good quality data to transform the NHS #CHKSconf2016The challenges facing the NHS – saving money whilst increasing quality – can only be addressed through the use of good quality, timely and relevant information.
With just over 12 weeks to go until our national conference brings together national bodies including NHS Improvement, the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) and NHS England, we are looking forward to hearing more about how good data quality is the bedrock of improvement in the NHS. Good quality data ensures payment accuracy, financial sustainability, service delivery and ultimately improves patient outcomes. At last year’s conference Roy Lilley couldn’t have made it more clear. He said: “Without accurate data, the NHS will not function effectively.”

Bob Alexander, executive director of resources and deputy CEO, NHS Improvement, will open the conference and explain why good data quality is crucial to meeting the challenges facing today’s NHS. Martin Campbell, head of pricing, NHS England, will update delegates on how he is using good quality data to develop payment and currencies that incentivise better, more efficient care, and Paula Monteith, principal casemix information design consultant, HSCIC, will discuss how HRG4+ will combine good quality data to make payments better reflect the the care being delivered.
A panel discussion called It’s not just about the money will look at coding and data quality in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, giving delegates the opportunity to look at the NHS outside England to share learning, experiences and good practice. And in the afternoon we will hear from coding colleagues and learn how they have worked innovatively to address the challenges of producing good quality data within the constraints we all face on a day to day basis.
New models of care, the Carter review and the impact of the quality information, engaging with clinicians to ensure data truly reflects the care delivered, future developments and their implications looking at SNOMED CT, ICD-11, and electronic patient records are all topics for the day.

Learning from others
Our annual clinical coding and data quality conferences are part funded by CHKS as part of our ‘Learning from the Best’ series of events. These bring together professionals from across the health sector to share experiences and ideas on a range of healthcare-related topics. Our aim is to share knowledge and best practice and learning. Some of the questions we hope to answer on the day include:

How are top hospitals ensuring they have excellent quality data? Can we be more innovative in the way we capture and use data in the NHS?  
Find out more about the event and register your place here.

You can also keep up to date with the event by following CHKS on Twitter @InsightfromCHKS and on LinkedIn.

Read our previous blogs: Every 13 minutes: Roy Lilley considers the state of clinical coding in the NHS A day in the life of… a clinical coding auditor - by Phil Wright, Professional Lead for Audit at CHKS A day in the life of… a clinical coder - by Laura Hickey, Professional Lead for Coding at CHKS The challenges facing the NHS – saving money whilst increasing quality – can only be addressed through the use of good quality, timely and relevant information.
With just over 12 weeks to go until our national conference brings together national bodies including NHS Improvement, the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) and NHS England, we are looking forward to hearing more about how good data quality is the bedrock of improvement in the NHS. Good quality data ensures payment accuracy, financial sustainability, service delivery and ultimately improves patient outcomes. At last year’s conference Roy Lilley couldn’t have made it more clear. He said: “Without accurate data, the NHS will not function effectively.”

Get in touch to find out more

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